22 Jump Street Breaks Records

22 Jump Street Breaks Records



Sequels may (generally) be crappier than their predecessors, but they sure rake in the cash, with 22 JUMP STREET and HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 dominating the American box office over the weekend.

22 JUMP STREET won top spot for the weekend, securing the title of second-best opening of all time for an R-rated comedy in the U.S (to be rated MA15+ in Australia). The flick pulled $60 million.

With the movie costing under $60 million to produce, the studio is on a winner.

Sony expressed confidence prior even to the film’s release, with it’s Chief of Distribution, Rory Bruer stating: 

“I think it has so many things going for it, starting with the incredible chemistry between Channing and Jonah. These guys are so funny together, and we also had great directors.”

22 JUMP STREET still didn’t come close to the highest grossing R-rated comedy of all time, however: THE HANGOVER PART II remains securely in top spot, taking $85.9 million.

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 was close behind, taking $50 million.

22 JUMP STREET hits Aussie screens on Thursday.

Sian's love for movies spawned from having a tight mother whose generosity stretched only to hiring movies once a week for entertainment. As a pre-teen Sian spent more pocket money then she earned on cinema tickets and thus sought a job at the cinema. Over the next decade she rose to be one of the greats in her backwater, six-screen cinema complex, zooming through the ranks from candy bar wench with upselling superpowers, to pasty projectionist, to a manager rocking a pencil skirt. Sian went on to study Journalism at university though feels her popcorn shovelling days were far more educational