AccessReel Reviews: Crazy Stupid Love

AccessReel Reviews: Crazy Stupid Love

Crazy Stupid Love, while featuring an impressive ensemble cast. Represents the humor and heartache involved in life, love and divorce. Starting Steve Carrel, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore and Emma Stone, Crazy Stupid Love is a different kind of Romantic Comedy.

This movie was hilarious. There were moments where I literally laughed out loud. That wasn’t due to the awkward moments created by some of the circumstances, it was the wise choice of actors, who all played off each other and it worked so well. Ryan Gosling was charming even though he was trying his best to be the biggest most egotistical douche bag you have ever seem, you like him. Emma stone was doing what she does best and Steve Carrell, some people under estimate him, I like so many others believe that he can pull off the perfect balance between a dramatic and emotionally broken man and an awkward funny perfectly timed comedic genius, full credit of the atmosphere goes to him, and the boy who played his son.

There was a very sweet sub plot in this film centering on the teenage son of the main character. Robbie played by Jonah Bobo, was great in depicting the perfect innocence and naivety of puppy love and made all us adults feel like trolls because we have forgotten what it felt like to be in love without all those pesky “relationship” values attached. It was a very nice touch, one that made the film something extra for me. Crazy Stupid Love wasn’t just a romantic comedy, and it wasn’t just a drama about divorce. It dared to say things that made you cringe and it pushed itself to the absurd just when you thought it was all becoming a bit too real.

As far as your run of the mill comedies go I think this one had a lot of heart and when you look closer was trying it’s best to say something worth while. Instead of ” boy meets girl, boy loses girl by being an idiot and wins girl back through pestering and perseverance” it was more like ” you need to fight for what you know you really want, regardless of anger, resentment or lust, love and devotion conquers all”. Not bad message to leave the cinema with after seeing a comedy.

I give Crazy Stupid Love 4 out of 5 stars.