EVIL DEAD RISE is the fifth instalment of the Evil Dead franchise created by Sam Raimi. The new film is written and directed by Irish filmmaker Lee Cronin. The story involves two estranged sisters fighting to save their family from demonic creatures in a Los Angeles apartment building. We’re big fans of the franchise here at Accessreel, and were stoked when we discovered the sister characters were being played by two Australian actors and that we would have the opportunity to chat to both.
Alyssa Sutherland plays the older sister Elle. You may know her from playing the role Queen Aslaug in the Irish-Canadian TV series VIKINGS (2013-2020), she has also appeared in the Australian horror film BLOOD VESSEL (2019) and Australian historical mini-series NEW GOLD MOUNTAIN (2021). Lily Sullivan who plays Beth, debuted in the feature film MENTAL (2012) and has also appeared in the features JUNGLE (2017) and I MET A GIRL (2020) as well as the Australian television mini-series PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (2018)
The Internet has been abuzz with talk of how the movie uses the cheese-grater. Preview audiences have reacted well to the movie’s crowd-pleasing elements. This new, gory, heart-pumping edition of the Evil Dead Universe even has one of the sisters having to deal with a demon inside. This movie is going to thrill movie-goers everywhere and it was great talking to Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan about their experience of making the film. Enjoy! EVIL DEAD RISE opens in cinemas April 20
Moving the action out of the woods and into the city, “Evil Dead Rise” tells a twisted tale of two estranged sisters, played by Sutherland and Sullivan, whose reunion is cut short by the rise of flesh-possessing demons thrusting them into a primal battle for survival as they face the most nightmarish version of family imaginable.
You can click here to watch the trailer. Our review is coming very soon.