American Mary tortures its way to Perth

American Mary tortures its way to Perth

The twisted twins Jen & Sylvia Soska are heading to Perth to present the much anticipated follow up to DEAD HOOKER IN A TRUNK, AMERICAN MARY. This once off event at Luna Palace Cinemas in Leederville will feature the twins introducing the film plus a Q&A will follow straight after.

Canada’s own Twisted Sister’s Jen and Sylvia Soska are at it again! This body horror bonanza is the tale of Mary Mason (Katherine Isabelle), a financially struggling surgical intern, who supports herself through college by servicing members of the underground body-modification community with the bizarre body alterations of their desires. After a brutal, forced encounter with a senior surgeon at her medical college, Mary sets out on a path of revenge that see’s her become as adapt at torture as she is a body alterations.

A perverse tour-de-force, the Soska’s have arrived! Check out the twins message to Perth below.

Special Screening Event and Party featuring the Special guests the Soska twins! Thursday November 15 at Luna  Cinemas Leederville. 

Directors Jen and Sylvia Soska will be at Luna leederville as special guests at  this special screening event where they will introduce their film and conduct  a Q&A  following the  screening at 9.00pm. Hosted by Lindsay Hallam, writer, producer and horror afficionado. Pre- screening party from 8.15pm featuring musical entertainment by DJ Tyranny, Sienna’s pizzas. and specials from the Luna Lounge. Tickets now on sale.  

Check out the trailer below the film is Rated R18+ and runs for 81minutes.

Darran loves watching movies, listening to movies and generally everything movies which is mainly the reason why he started and roped some friends in to help him.. Favorite Films: Star Wars, Lost in Translation, Grosse Point Blank, Shawshank Redemption and any Kevin Smith or Tarantino.