‘The Bourne Legacy’ and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ are both big releases coming up as we approach the end of the block buster season though it looks like Universal Pictures are trying to create some space for the release of their new Bourne film given the big box office run that is expected from the next bat-flick.
So in the US the official release date for Bourne is now August 10, one week later than previously scheduled. Dark Knight Rises is hitting screens on 20th July leaving three weeks to separate the two. Here in Australia Dark Knight is released on 19th July and Bourne currently scheduled for the 16th August, so an extra week for the bat-train to slow down.
The Australian release dates places ‘Bourne’ nicely between Batman and the Total Recall reboot which is currently listed for 6th September, interestingly Recall is being released on the 3rd August in the United States, so it’s likely that Bourne was being shifted away from both Recall and Batman.
Is Universal getting cold feed about the first non-Damon starring Bourne film? While that’s possible it’s also a sound strategy to try and ensure your film is released as far away as possible from other expected block busters, so such a move wasn’t all that surprising.
The good news is that it doesn’t seem to have impacted the Australian release date!