Drop it! First look at Robocop is here….

Drop it! First look at Robocop is here….

We’ve seen the Recall remake, and soon we’ll be seeing the Robocop remake as one by one several of Paul Verhoeven’s films are receiving the refresh treatment. As we’ve previously reported the new Robocop is being helmed by Jose Padilha and is starring Gary Oldman, Samuel L Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Jackie Earle Haley, and in the role of Alex Murphy is Joel Kinnaman.
But what is the part man, part machine, all cop going to look like? Well we’ve seen our first snippet direct from the set and you can check it out below.


Let us know what you think of this first look. Does it excite you? Or have you dreading your ineviteable viewing of this classic film remade?

Leith spent most of his formative years growing up on the coastal fringes of Western Australia without a cinema in sight. There he grew up on the wonders of home rentals before relocating to Perth and gaining access to a proper cinematic experience just in time for the Star Wars Special Edition re-releases. From there Leith's love of movies expanded to volunteering on a Star Wars fan film, reviewing films, writing about film news, and attending film and pop-culture related conventions on the other side of the world. Leith's favourite films are too many to mention but all start with the Star Wars saga, Back to the Future, the Dark Knight trilogy, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings and all things Kevin Smith. With an insatiable appetite for all things pop-culture related Leith also has an unhealthy addiction to the world of comics and can often be found buried under a pile of unread back issues madly trying to catch up on a number of titles coming out from mostly DC and Darkhorse.