The recent G.I. Joe film series began in 2009 with the release of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. The film directed by Stephen Sommers as his follow up to the first two Mummy films and the later Van Helsing reportedly generated approximately $300 million in worldwide gross revenues prior to its release to the home movie market. Despite strong performance given the generous production budget for the film it was not considered a resounding success.
The film generally played as a light action adventure film, filled with cheesy dialogue and hammy performances and was met with a mixed reaction. News on a possible sequel has taken some time in coming but is starting to trickle through with the announcement of a title for the sequel.
Rumoured to be filming form August to November this year, the sequel is tentatively titled “G.I. Joe 2: Cobra Strikes”, and it appears that Stephen Sommers will not be returning to film the sequel, whether this means there will be a shift in the tone of the franchise for its next outing, we will have to wait and see.
We’ll bring you more on development of the sequel as it’s revealed.