Green Goblin Again In New Spiderman Flicks

Green Goblin Again In New Spiderman Flicks


On top of remaking a film series that is less than a decade old, Marvel’s new Spiderman flicks will also be recycling the same villain; The Green Goblin, with the casting confirmed yesterday.

Is creativity completely dead? So I’ve managed to accept the reasoning behind the waaay-too-soon Spiderman remake, but seriously, everyone has a breaking point. Congratulations, you just hit mine. 

With 2012’s The Amazing Spiderman simply retelling in a faster, more smart-arsed fashion the same story Tobey Maguire and crew told only 10 years previous, my patience was tested. Did we really need to set up Parker’s story again? I think we all know he’s a nerd-turned-secret-hero thank you very much! Credit us with some intelligence.

it appears it could be more of the same in The Amazing Spiderman 2 with Chris Cooper (American Beauty) just signed to play Norman Osborn (aka The Green Goblin).

I’ll get straight to the point:

     a) No-one can top Willem Dafoe who acted brilliantly even with that ridiculous green storm trooper helmet covering his face

     b) The Amazing Spiderman comics have been published regularly since 1963, surely in that time there’s been more than one good badie they could bring to life?

To be fair, it’s nice to see Electro slotted into the next film and it’s said The Rhino will also show his face, but sources report that the ultimate enemy plotline in the film series will be provided once again by Mr Osborn. 


In short, (nothing against you Mr Cooper, I’m sure you’ll do great)  me = unimpressed. Variety is the spice of life afterall!


Sian's love for movies spawned from having a tight mother whose generosity stretched only to hiring movies once a week for entertainment. As a pre-teen Sian spent more pocket money then she earned on cinema tickets and thus sought a job at the cinema. Over the next decade she rose to be one of the greats in her backwater, six-screen cinema complex, zooming through the ranks from candy bar wench with upselling superpowers, to pasty projectionist, to a manager rocking a pencil skirt. Sian went on to study Journalism at university though feels her popcorn shovelling days were far more educational