The Inbetweeners movie released in 2011 turned out to be quite the success, following on from the TV series which wrapped after three short seasons, the film went on to pull in approximately $86 million (from a $6 million budget mind you) in its tale about the four lads graduation celebration on the island of Crete.
Given the ongoing popularity of these characters the book hasn’t been closed on them just yet and a sequel is on the way. This time around the lads will once again be out and about in the world and are heading to Australia.
Show creators and writers Damon Beesley and Iain Morris had this to say via the show’s official facebook page;
Beepity beep beep, time for a sequel update. So, the news is (drumroll)… filming is about to start and yes, it’s set in Australia. We can’t say too much as we don’t want to spoil the jokes for you, but what we can exclusively reveal is there will be kangaroos. And Australians. And possibly koalas. Oh and obviously Jay, Will, Neil and Simon providing they’re let into the country.
If filming is about to begin, and presumably won’t require a rigorous visual effects post-production schedule, so we could be looking at seeing the sequel as soon as next year. Bring it on I say!