Taking over the reigns from John Favreau, Shane Black (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang) has now officially signed on to direct Paramount’s upcoming sequel – Iron Man 3. Last year’s Comic Con introduced us to the full cast of The Avengers movie that features Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. As seen from the group of performers, where Iron Man 2 introduced us to Black Widow, it seems like The Avengers movie will take those established characters and feature them in a more flattering light.
It was after this unvealing that John Favreau was reportedly against the dilution of the Iron Man character and that Iron Man 3 would be just be tying up loose plot lines and character arcs that The Avenger movie leaves behind. It looked like there was more to that statement now as Favreau dropped out late last year and rumours were rife with who the next director was going to be.
The Avengers movie has Joss Whedon, Thor has Kenneth Brannagh and Iron Man 3 now has Shane Black.
Black, who wrote the first Lethal Weapon film and appeared as one of the commandos in Predator, once held the world record for selling his script of the Last Action Hero for $1.75 million dollars. He also penned one of the greatest films of the 80’s – The Monster Squad. His story writing skills will hopefully get Iron Man back on track. After the last film, it’s rewarding to see that they have put a very skilled and true visionary behind the camera.
Of all the critisisms about Iron Man 2, most people point to the screenplay as being one of the key problems with the bloated and unfocused sequel. Shane Black knows how to write a script. With a bit of luck, he will also be writing the screenplay.
The film is yet to go into production but it is expected to be in cinemas in 2013.