The Runaways is a Marvel comic book series created by Brian K Vaughn and Adrian Alphona. The series debuted in 2003, was later cancelled in 2004 and following strong sales in trade paperback was revived in 2005. At its simplest summation the series tells the story of a group of teenagers who flee home following a path of self-discovery upon realising their parents are part of an evil crime syndicate. The series has featured some popular writers in comics, including Joss Whedon, and Terry More.
News regarding a film adaptation of ‘Runaways’ has cropped up here and there, it now seems that Marvel is moving forward having provided an official start date for production on the film. IGN have reported that production of the ‘Runaways’ film is scheduled to being next March in Los Angeles.
Peter Sollett is currently attached to direct the film, his previous works including writing and directing ‘Five Feet High and Rising’, ‘Raising Victor Vargas’, as well as directing the 2008 popular underground film ‘Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist’.
It’s good to see Marvel isn’t entirely focussed on their Avengers train with some of their other popular properties receiving some attention, so far there has been no news of casting though if the March timeline is going to be met we should see some announcements in the coming months.