SCRE4M – Not Reshoots, says Wes Craven

SCRE4M – Not Reshoots, says Wes Craven

According to Director Wes Craven, the recent additional shooting for the upcoming SCRE4M is for ‘juicing’ up scene and adding footage – not reshooting as was previously announced.

Speaking from on the set Craven adds, They’re not reshoots, We had a couple test screenings and we saw two scenes where they had moments you could add to and we just saw a spectacular opportunity. Bob [Weinstein] just said to me basically, ‘You go to your dark side and I’ll give you the money!’ [Laughs] The two scenes were really good, but we saw how they could be spectacular, so we thought, let’s just go for it. They were key moments of the script, so we just decided to go back and go for the grand slam on them.

As for the rumour that the ending has changed, Craven dubunks that as well, No, the ending is totally kick-ass.

Hopefully this isn’t hyperbole from Craven as before the last entry to the series was released, rumours of reshoots and problems with the script was downplayed. Look how that turned out.

SCRE4M is due in cinemas in Australia on April 14th 2011