The SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN was a TV series that ran through the mid to late 1970’s following a series of direct to television movies that were aired in 1973. Lee Majors played the central role in the franchise which later spawned a spin off TV series called The Bionic Woman. This spinoff series was also remade in recent years only to be quickly cancelled due to low ratings.
Back to the SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN however, there have been various rumours of a new feature film based on the character over recent years, the latest of which is speculating that the adaption will take on the title the SIX BILLION DOLLAR MAN with Bryan Singer in talks to direct.
Bryan Singer is a man that needs no introduction, having directed the popular film ‘The Usual Suspects’, and kicked of the X-Men film franchise with X-Men 1 and 2, both strong films and later on went on to make ‘Superman Returns’.
Further to this it appears that Leonardo DiCaprio has been approached for the lead role in the new film, but is still yet to officially sign up.
We recently reported that Brian Singer is attached to a Battlestar Galactica feature film adaptation, so where a possible SIX BILLION DOLLAR MAN film would fit in with his schedule remains to be seen. DiCaprio also appears to have no shortage of projects on his schedule with his involvement in ‘The Great Gatsby’ currently filming, two other films he’s attached to being in pre-production and the rumoured ‘Sinatra’ film in the works.
Without anything very formal coming forth alongside this news it remains to be seen whether this is the version of the film that will finally get across the line.