Created by Jim Starling, first appearing in Iron Man #55 in 1973, the character of Thanos has his roots in greek mythology and has appeared in a number of different versions of the marvel universe including the ongoing continuity, Marvel Ultimates, and of course the limited series Marvel Earth X.
This powerful, intelligent, alien character is set to bring chaos to the Marvel cinematic universe, as teased in the post-credits scene from this years ‘Avengers’ Thanos was behind the Chitauri invasion of Earth, and at the notion of this invasion courting death, responded with a grin.
With the announcement of the series of Avengers – Phase 2 films (Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, and of course Avengers 2) it has been speculated that Thanos would appear in Guardians of the Galaxy before Avengers 2, similar to Loki’s trajectory from Thor to Avengers.
It seems that the Thanos arc from Guardians to Avengers has been confirmed by Jim Starling himself, who stated that a deal for using the character, is now in place. Guardians is scheduled for a release in 2014, with Thor, Captain America and Iron Man all hitting screens once again before then, leaving ample opportunity for more post-credit teaser scenes featuring the Mad Titan prior to what is likely going to be his break out film in 2014.