Wreck-It Ralph is an upcoming 3D Animated from from the Walt Disney Studios due for release on Boxing Day. The film is directed by Rich Moore a former animation director of The Simpsons and Futurama. The characters of Wreck-It Ralph are voiced by John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch and Sarah Silverman and tells the story of Wreck-It Ralph (Reilly), an arcade video game “bad guy”, who is determined to prove he can be a good guy.
An 8-bit video-game character attempts to shed his bad-guy image by escaping into a popular first-person shooter, but inadvertently wreaks havoc in the video-game universe by freeing a digital villain.
Check out the trailer below and Boxing Day can’t come any quicker it looks hilarious and a whole lot of fun… hit up our trailer page to watch the trailer.