This week sees the release of the fifth instalment in the epic Monsterverse franchise – Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. This time around, we see Godzilla and Kong forced to unite against a formidable adversary emerging from Hollow Earth. This new threat not only questions the dominance of these titanic beings, but also jeopardises the fate of humanity. Promising higher stakes than ever befo...
Sony Pictures’ latest superhero flick, Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, swings into cinemas this week. After many years, this long-awaited sequel is hoping to amaze fans in a spectacular fashion. And with its predecessor being so widely loved, this instalment had some big shoes to fill. Brooklyn’s one-and-only Spider-Man, Miles Morales, embarks on a journey through the Multiverse after r...
David Leitch (Deadpool 2) directs Sony Picture’s Bullet Train – an action-packed murder mystery of 5 assassins whose missions become progressively intertwined whilst aboard a high speed Japanese train. Brad Pitt (Fight Club) stars as “Ladybug”, a recently enlightened hitman looking to try a more peaceful approach to his criminal work. This new mindset all goes out the window once he accepts ...