The ever-explosive John Wick: Chapter 4 marks the fourth (appropriately named) instalment in the beloved action film franchise. With their finger on the trigger, Lionsgate is looking to keep the killstreak going, and are aiming for another solid win. This time our titular character – John Wick (Keanu Reeves) embarks on a treacherous journey to unveil a pathway towards vanquishing his nemesi...
David Leitch (Deadpool 2) directs Sony Picture’s Bullet Train – an action-packed murder mystery of 5 assassins whose missions become progressively intertwined whilst aboard a high speed Japanese train. Brad Pitt (Fight Club) stars as “Ladybug”, a recently enlightened hitman looking to try a more peaceful approach to his criminal work. This new mindset all goes out the window once he accepts ...
MORTAL KOMBAT begins in 17th Century Japan, when a team of assassins led by Bi-Han (Joe Taslim), attack the village of warrior Hanzo Hasashi (Hiroyuki Sanada) and members of his ninja clan. Hanzo is killed by Bi-Han and then Hanzo’s spirit is taken to the Netherrealm, a place which is sometimes known as Hell. In the present day, our world, Earthrealm, is in grave danger of being invaded by a...