In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, a young brother and sister, Miguel and Rocío, are kidnapped as part of a child-modelling scam. Their father Roberto discovers the children have been sold to be used as sex slaves. In California, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agent, Tim Ballard, is becoming frustrated by the work he does arresting the people who make and distribute child pornography. He kn...
Jurassic World: Dominion roars into cinemas concluding the iconic Jurassic saga that has spanned nearly 30 years. Director Colin Trevorrow returns to direct the final film in the “World” trilogy, which he first started back in 2015. Trying to please both generations of fans all while wrapping up the 6-film saga is no easy task, but thankfully Trevorrow delivers. Set a few years after the events o...
When Eddie Brock acquires the powers of a symbiote, he will have to release his alter-ego “Venom” to save his life.