Set in modern-day Britain, HARRY BROWN is one man’s journey through a chaotic world where teenage violence runs rampant. As a modest, law abiding citizen, Harry Brown lives alone in a flat. When his only friend is killed, Brown reaches his breaking point and decides to get revenge. Brown is a retired marine who had violent dealings with the IRA when stationed in Belfast in the 1970s, so he a...
Today Disney brings us Four brand new Clips from the Upcoming film PRINCE OF PERSIA. Everything I’ve seen of the film so far looks senstational and I’m really looking forward to seeing it. Check out the Clips Below PRINCE OF PERSIA opens in the States on the 28th May and Australia on the 27th. From the team that brought the “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy to the big scre...
Access Hollywood spoke to Eddie Murphy at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘Shrek Forever After’ where he referred to the possibility of a third Nutty Professor film being in the works. The actor said that they have some funny ideas for a third movie and it will be up to what the studio thinks of them to determine whether a third movie goes ahead. The first two Nutty Professor films are gen...
A commitment-phobe and a New Ager buddy-up to win over the women of their respective dreams. I Love You Too is a romantic comedy set in Australia primarily about a man struggling to take the last few steps towards a committed long term relationship with his girlfriend. The film explores his relationship with his friends, his girlfriend, his family and with life as he attempts to come to terms with...
Supanova Expo is hitting Perth at the end of next month and I’m starting to get really excited about it, I attended last year with some friends and had a great few hours walking around seeing the stalls, hitting up some panels Jake Lloyds (Anakin, Starwars Ep1) which was quite hilarious and basically checking out everything pop culturally I could find. As this years is coming up I just wante...
Universal Pictures presents us with the Trailer to Zac Efron’s next Film CHARLIE ST. CLOUD. Adapted from the book The Death and Life of Charle St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood comes a story of tragedy, loss and love. The Trailer looks pretty good, seeing Zac in something a bit different then a teen comedy or Musical looks great to me! Theres been great buzz around his performance in “Me and O...
“After years of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to go it alone.That same day, Zoe meets Stan (Alex OLoughlin) a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hide the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Z...
Universal Pictures Releases the New Matt Damon trailer Via Yahoo! Movies Today.. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU. Matt Damon star’s alongside Emily Blunt in this Sci-Fi/Fanstasy Thriller, adapted from a short story by Philip K. Dick who has also penned us ‘Minority Report’, ‘Blade Runner’ and the cult classic ‘Total Recall’. Looks like an interesting one, everyone h...
“Following the Crusades, a loyal knight returns to his home to find it run by a tyrannical king. He joins forces with a band of renegades to fight back” Expectations were high walking into this one, there was a lot of press surrounding this film such as the Premiere at The Cannes Film Festival. The whole “Steal from the Rich and Give to the Poor” sort of plot line which I r...
HITFIX have reported that Jane Goldman is now working on a new X-Men film which is mostly likely to be X-Men: First Class following the recent announcement of Matthew Vaughn being hired to direct, for more on that check out Darran’s article. Goldman has collaborated with Matthew Vaughn previously on both Kick Ass and Stardust making it a seemingly logical progression to bring her in on ...
Looks like due to the amount of backlash Michael Bay recieved about the Twins in Transformers 2, they won’t be returning for the third. Forums arupted after Transformers 2 came out with people saying the Twins were racist and were living up to certain stereotypes such as gold teeth and can’t read. Now Bay has posted on his official forum that “The Twins are not back in T3.”...
Over there past couple of weeks there has been rumours about a possible Cloverfield 2 and that there was a trailer of J.J. Abrams secret next project attached to the American Cinema Release of Iron Man 2. Well its no Cloverfield, what we are seeing is a brand new hush hush movie and I’m quite excited about it. Theres no Plot details yet, all we know is that its called SUPER 8 and by the trai...