David Wenham (Fake, Seachange) and Jonathon Teplitzky (Churchill, The Railway Man) reunite to deliver a Spitieri-centric Aussie crime comedy. Following on from 2003’s Gettin’ Square, Spit delivers a sometimes lighthearted but often heavy spirited Queensland underbelly romp. In short, catch it now. It’s a great time. Everyone knows a Johnny Spitieri. Mullet sporting, skinny jeans, street wise dropo...
Ed Berger’s Conclave is interesting. It may be tempting to skip a pontificating deep-dive into the ritual process of electing a new Pope, for fear of ponce and boredom. However, Conclave keeps its head above water for two hours by exploring the various ambitious tom foolery and backstabbing those left clutching the rosary will get up to, to be elected for the top job. Half the priests in the room ...
Paddington in Peru, the third cinematic entry for Michael Bond’s famous bear, falls short of its predecessors. Directed by Dougal Wilson (his feature film debut) with the titular bear voiced by Ben Whishaw (No Time to Die). Campy performances mixed with wholesome character arcs result in a watchable family flick. However, this entry lacks the charm of the first two films. Paddington in Peru sees P...
Jeff Fowler and his familiar fast band of hyperactive heroes return to Aussie cinemas this boxing day, with Sonic The Hedgehog 3. A surprisingly decent animated action flick with enough juice to please everyone. Some mild spoilers to follow. Don’t worry if you’ve missed the first and second entries in this franchise, adapted from the Sega video game series. The story opens with enough information ...
Robert Eggers continues kicking goals with Nosferatu, released by Focus Features and Universal this New Year. Long story short: if you’re a fan of Eggers’ previous work, vampire flicks and the legend of Dracula in general- don’t hesitate to catch this one in cinemas. It’s a solid horror flick to sink your teeth into. Not much new can be said about Eggers as an auteur filmmaker. You either lo...
Natalie Bailey (Retrograde, The Thick of It) and Lou Sanz (The PM’s Daughter) present cinema goers with a sardonic, dysfunctional, contemporary Aussie family. Starring Jackie Van Beek (What We Do in the Shadows), Josephine Blazier (True History of the Kelly Gang), Jeremy Lindsay Taylor (The Dry) and Hannah Diviney (Latecomers), as The Lipsick’s. Audrey is a relentless dark comedy that tackles cont...
Heretic, directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (65), is a slick little chamber flick starring Hugh Grant as Mr. Reed. A welcoming old fella who has a few points to push. With sinister charm and Grant’s signature romantic persona. Heretic is a decent psychological thriller, somewhat hostage horror flick that grabs you from the start and doesn’t let go until a muddy third act shift. Some spoilers t...
Directed by Jason Reitman, Saturday Night is a high energy and manic paced film. Perfectly capturing backstage chaos, 90 minutes before the premier of a show that nobody believes in. Everybody except producer Lorne Michaels, played by Gabe LaBelle (The Fablemans), and the clock is ticking. Saturday Night Live is an institution. Even if comedy is not your thing or you were born thirty years later, ...
Writer and Director David Vincent Smith’s directorial debut He Ain’t Heavy is an intimate and brutal depiction of addiction and domestic violence. But, the film triumphs by playing it straight and taking no prisoners. While peeling back layers of psychological trauma and dysfunction. Some spoilers will follow. Shot in Gosnells, Western Australia. The setting, vibe and locations are instantly recog...
Pierfrancesco Favino (Nostalgia, The Traitor) stars in writer-director Edoardo De Angelis’ (Indivisible, The Voice of Hope) Comandante. A dramatic account of events in the Atlantic sea during World War II. Titular Italian submarine Comandante Cappellini sinks the Belgian ship Kabalo, and Cappellini’s commander Salvatore Todaro disobeys standing orders and rescues the Kabalo’s crew. Com...
In Adam Cooper’s directorial debut Sleeping Dogs, Russell Crowe (Gladiator, Virtuosity) plays Roy. A retired Washington county homicide detective. Based on the novel The Book of Mirrors with screenplay co-written by Cooper. Roy is vulnerable and grizzled, battling Alzheimer’s disease and recovering from an experimental procedure to stimulate regrowth of neural pathways. This part of the narr...