Heretic, directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (65), is a slick little chamber flick starring Hugh Grant as Mr. Reed. A welcoming old fella who has a...
Ridley Scott marks his return to Ancient Rome with Gladiator II – twenty four years after the release of his Oscar-winning Gladiator (2000). Wit...
Directed by Jason Reitman, Saturday Night is a high energy and manic paced film. Perfectly capturing backstage chaos, 90 minutes before the premier of...
This is not your average superhero movie, this is not trying to be. This is violent, this is cringe, this is silly, this is fun. This is Venom. Hinte...
Writer and Director David Vincent Smith’s directorial debut He Ain’t Heavy is an intimate and brutal depiction of addiction and domestic violence. But...
As a keen fan of the Hellboy films, I was thrilled when I heard that the franchise was getting another instalment with Hellboy: The Crooked Man. My ex...
Pierfrancesco Favino (Nostalgia, The Traitor) stars in writer-director Edoardo De Angelis’ (Indivisible, The Voice of Hope) Comandante. A dramatic acc...
Joker: Folie à Deux is one of the most anticipated films this year, given how excellent the first film was. Todd Phillips’ Joker (2019) was a gr...
Star-studded and stuffed with promise, The Critic should be a recipe for an engaging and delicious murder mystery but unfortunately its debut has been...
An American couple are on an Italian holiday in Tuscany with their young daughter. They are Ben and Louise Dalton (Scoot McNairy and MacKenzie Davis)....
While audiences might be approaching the release of Transformers One with trepidation, after being burnt out by the repetitive trend of more explosion...
Tent boxing seems like a myth only shared by crusty older publicans hanging onto their third frosted pint in the back bar – romantic tales of Au...
“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” marks the long-awaited return to Tim Burton’s twisted, supernatural (under)world. Fans (myself included) of the ...
L’été dernier (Last Summer) plays on some trite French cinema cliches to produce a delicate but ultimately boring look into a twisted French family. B...
In Adam Cooper’s directorial debut Sleeping Dogs, Russell Crowe (Gladiator, Virtuosity) plays Roy. A retired Washington county homicide detective. Bas...
Nic Cage (Mandy, Renfield) is back! Portraying the sinister powder wearing titular character Longlegs. More on him later. Longlegs is more than just a...
Releasing today, mostly French production Mr Blake at Your Service! is an odd one. Starring John Malkovich (Red, Burn After Reading), this endearing a...
The United States’ Apollo program was established in 1962, when President Kennedy announced that men would walk on the moon by 1970. At the time of th...