When a single mom and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind. Ghostbusters returns to cinemas with its new instalment ‘Afterlife’, this time not as a reboot but as a new installment to the series that started in 1984 and continued with its second film in 1989. This time around Jas...
One of the most remarkable things about Wes Anderson is his ability to draw large crowds of millennials to an art deco cinema in Leederville on a school night for a film that hasn’t even come out yet. This feat is even more impressive when you consider the recent summation of an older filmmaker regarding this demographic and our “fucking cellphones” preventing us from wanting to go to the movies. ...
It is 1943, and although the Second World War is far from over, there are men like art expert Frank Stokes (George Clooney) who are concerned that the art treasures of Europe are in danger from the Axis powers. They are being stolen by the Nazis or worse still, destroyed as part of the collateral damage of battle. Allied Intelligence has discovered Hitler’s plan to steal the art from the occupied ...