David Wenham (Fake, Seachange) and Jonathon Teplitzky (Churchill, The Railway Man) reunite to deliver a Spitieri-centric Aussie crime comedy. Following on from 2003’s Gettin’ Square, Spit delivers a sometimes lighthearted but often heavy spirited Queensland underbelly romp. In short, catch it now. It’s a great time. Everyone knows a Johnny Spitieri. Mullet sporting, skinny jeans, street wise dropo...
Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer whose music and influence made him an icon of the 20th Century. From 1956, when he sold 10 million singles for the RCA company in twelve months, until his untimely death in 1977 at the age of 42, Elvis was a global star. His effect on new music waned in the later 1960s, however his fame and his influence were intact until he died. He was dubbed The King o...