Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Films presents their most radical movie this year – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. Spanning multiple generations of turtles-fans, this latest franchise revival of the heroes in a half-shell is hoping to entertain fans both new and old. Four brothers – Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael all dream of stepping out of the saf...
Set in 1999 Los Angeles, veteran police officer Dave Brown, the last of the renegade cops, works to take care of his family, and struggles for his own survival. Because you and I are culturally savvy and get our information from Wikipedia, we know that the new movie RAMPART, starring Woody Harrelson, is named for the Rampart scandal that rocked the LAPD in the late 1990s. Knowing this, you might t...