Marvel Studios’ “Eternals” follows a group of heroes from beyond the stars who had protected the Earth since the dawn of man. When monstrous creatures called the Deviants, long thought lost to history...
It’s just under four weeks until this years even kicks off and last night media and partners were invited to the 2021 CinefestOZ launch hosted at the WA Museum Boola Bardip! CinefestOZ 2021 cons...
The full trailer has arrived for the highly anticipated Denis Villeneuve film DUNE plus an exciting opportunity to win tickets to see the film first across Australia! The Dune Ticket Lottery. Univers...
A valuable training workshop is set to go ahead at this year’s CinefestOZ Film Festival as the event team engage with Bus Stop Films to spearhead employment opportunities in the screen industry for pe...
Australia’s premium film festival returns with an incredible first look reveal of its 2021 program and Film Prize finalists. Film-enthusiasts will be thrilled to see an array of premieres for WA audie...
From writer/director James Gunn comes Warner Bros. Pictures’ superhero action adventure “The Suicide Squad” featuring a collection of the most degenerate delinquents in the DC line up. Welcome to hell...
The Wolf Creek team is back and the film will be shopped at this years virtual Cannes Film Festival for the overseas markets.. In the film, an American family takes a dream trip to the Australian out...
Check out the brand new trailer for SNAKE EYES: G.I. JOE ORIGINS, exclusive to cinemas from July 22. Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins stars Henry Golding as Snake Eyes, a tenacious loner who is welcomed...
Get ready for an action-packed adventure as bike-obsessed kids from Roebourne in Western Australia’s remote Pilbara Region take us on a journey across their country on 2 and 4-wheeler freedom machines...
Russell Crowe has lent his star power/money and voice to build a studio village near where he lives in Coffs Harbour NSW. After reading the full press release, which I have put below, you can see a lo...
Disney+ confirms over 20 titles will premiere exclusively on Star on Disney+ in Australia and New Zealand including “Pam & Tommy”, “Welcome to Wrexham” and The Kardashian-Jenner upcoming series wh...
Hugh Jackman is back in the memory bending flick REMINISCENCE! From writer/director/producer Lisa Joy comes Warner Bros. Pictures’ action thriller “Reminiscence,” starring Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Fergus...