Absolute Merry F***ing Mayhem! It is fun to imagine that the studio pitch for Violent Night went something like this; “It’s Die Hard, with Santa Claus, stupid gory, wrapped in thinly veiled social commentary!”. Without missing a beat, an exec rises from their seat with a fistful of cash and smugly quips, “Fill my stocking buddy, we need a Christmas hero!”. Violent Night is a love letter to Christ...
Imagine Hansel and Gretel from Grimm’s fairytales, only they’re not children anymore but adults! Adults with kickass weapons. No, wait, hot movie stars with kick-ass computer generated weaponry. Now picture them with streets smarts, attitude and (pretty average) one-liners. The apparent audience for this movie is television’s Supernatural. The setting is Europeanesque, the time is the Middle Ages...