Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Films presents their most radical movie this year – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. Spanning multiple generations of turtles-fans, this latest franchise revival of the heroes in a half-shell is hoping to entertain fans both new and old. Four brothers – Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael all dream of stepping out of the saf...
Vin Diesel seems to be the only one taking himself and this franchise way too seriously in the latest instalment of GI JOE cross xXx meets We’re The Millers. So strap in wheel heads, Vinny Diesel (Babylon AD) and his urban fashion conscious team of international intrigue and espionage are back with Fast X, the latest instalment of the aforementioned man’s tedious vanity project. To say that ...
After stumbling out of the block in 2016, the deeply unsatisfying identity crisis victim Suicide Squad left plenty to be desired. Had it not been for the impressive box office receipts, we may not have seen the continued adventures of a group of violent criminals forced to team up to save the world (well, at least for another 5 to 10 years when the dust had settled and DC felt comfortable re-booti...
Cipher enlists the help of Jakob, Dom’s younger brother to take revenge on Dom and his team.