Based upon the 1982 bestselling book of the same name, War Horse is the new movie from Steven Spielberg. Set and shot in England, the story revolves a...
DYLAN DOG: DEAD OF NIGHT is a new horror/comedy film based on one of the world’s most popular comics (60 million copies worldwide). Brandon Rout...
Guillermo Del Toro has been announced as the director for Legendary Pictures new monster movie release, Pacific Rim. Seeing a summer 2013 release, Gui...
Something unusual has happened in Hollywood recently. Being that the Studios are buying up anything that has franchise capabilities, it is not a surpr...
We here at AccessReel usually have our eyes up on the big screen, but we’ve also enjoyed many an hour of HBO television. The Time Warner cable n...
The Variety Club is a vital part of Western Australia’s Children’s Charities. This year Universal Pictures has partnered up with Variety t...
Well here we go again another one of those films with ‘Found Footage’ even Bob Weinstein head of Dimension Films has chimed in saying &ldq...
I loved the first ‘Kung Fu Panda’ Film and I’ve been eagerly awaiting the second coming. So we now have a full length trailer to the...
Looks like the Warner’s is gearing up for a marketing bonanza for SUCKER PUNCH with two of its Australian cast members coming home to promote th...
Anyone who lives in Perth would sure know alot about Telethon and the fantastic work it does in the support of funding for Princess Margaret Hospital ...
Diane Lane has been officially cast as Martha Kent in the upcoming Superman Reboot directed by Zack Snyder. The new Superman film is due for release i...
The time is drawing near, 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm have announced the release date for the first Star Wars 3D release being Star Wars Episode 1:...
Fans of the Resident Evil franchise will be excited to know that the next instalment in the franchise is less than two years away. The most recent fil...
We’ve seen some recent news filtering through about production on the two Hobbit films beginning in New Zealand, recently it was revealed that t...
We have the final three weeks of the Moonlight Cinema run coming up and theres some really great films to check out, Oscar Award Best Picture Winner T...
Hot on the heels of recent discussions about a Robocop reboot gaining traction again, there now appears to be some more news about a possible director...
Perth folk had reason to cheer on Monday when a particular short animation went home with Oscar. And now we have the opportunity to see why the Academ...
Capatilising on the success of this year’s Oscar winning Best Picture – The King’s Speech, Harvey Weinstein has reportedly been talk...
Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), now the author of a self-help book, returns home to Woodsboro on the last stop of her book tour. There she reconnects...
As the 83rd Annual Academy Awards (or ‘Oscars’) is airing in Australia, we watch the delicately dressed talents of Hollywood collect their...